Warning Signs It’s Time to Find a New Security Guard Company

Security guard sleeping at desk while working at workspace

LawDog Security of Chicago provides armed and unarmed security guards for safe and secure environments. What are some signs you need to work with a new security guard company (like LawDog)?

Say you’ve hired a company and they’ve been on the job a while now… but you still have the same issues you used to have– the issues you hired the security company to “take care of.” Well, if the problems aren’t being solved and issues keep coming up, then that company is not working out and it’s time to search for a different one. This is true, too, if the security guards you currently have aren’t “up to par” in your opinion. If they’re not doing the kind of job you expect them to do, it’s time to look elsewhere. If they don’t seem trained to do the job and you find yourself perplexed as to how they even stay employed, yikes! 

Sometimes you hire companies that have hired people with problems such as drug addictions or the propensity to steal from others when they should be protecting your stuff from being stolen! If the current security seems corrupt, and they’re making your life harder, it’s time to look for a new company to work with. It can also be annoying when managers don’t contact you back, or there’s a lack of supervision. Also, it’s frustrating if you have no control and the company tells you what’s what rather than asking for your input.

Now maybe your security needs have changed. For example, maybe you need to go from working with a “mom-and-pop” service to a more professional, corporate one? For instance, you used to have a 2-person office, but now it has blossomed into one that has 40 people working there. You might need to upgrade your security services and go with a company that can handle your changing needs.  In the Chicago area, there are a lot of reasons why a person or place would hire security guards and security companies. Not all companies are the same– some are better than others. If you’re looking for a new company to work with because your current one is failing you, call LawDog Security at 773-233-5742 to discuss your situation and needs.

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