As we discussed in the previous blog, Small Business Security for the Holidays, unfortunately the holidays can bring about bad situations for a business. Shoppers and businesses alike can fall victim to predators that are looking to take advantage of those who are susceptible to theft, robbery and violence. Malls, convenient and retail stores, boutiques and electronic stores are all targeted by criminals this time of year.
Inventory loss is a major concern for any business. Employee theft or improper discounting, shoplifting or changing of price tags, armed or aggravated robbery, and the like can run rampant if not properly checked by security officials or investigators. As a business owner, making sure that the money that is being spent to stock the shelves with merchandise is also congruent to the money you’re paying to keep it safe and secure is a necessity.
Possible Building Security Upgrades
Are your company and its assets reasonably protected against threats and thefts? If you have a shipment coming to your building, filled with items that have been flying off the shelves at a quick rate from the holiday buyers, it can open up the business to become vulnerable to theft if there is not proper surveillance and security in place to prevent it.
Having the correct surveillance of loading docks or the buildings entrances can limit the possibility of crime. In certain situations, just the visibility of a security officer or official can deter criminals from the act. If there are video cameras present, this can also make employees fear getting caught or conversely feel safer when transporting goods in and out of the store.
If you have a security system in place, is it up to par and does it effectively fill all your security needs? Upgrading your building security is the key to loss prevention. Adding more security guards, cameras, anti-theft devices, and security planning can help in prevention and protection of shoppers and workers.
At LawDog Security & Investigations Inc., we will work hand and hand with you and your company to ensure that your security policies are appropriate to the areas in which they are protecting. Our security consultations are completed by professionals that will go over all of your security concerns and recommend the best and most cost effective means of managing them.
For more information about any of the services provided, contact the professionals at LawDog Security & Investigations today!
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