Sandy Hook Elementary Findings
The State’s Attorney Office for the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting recently released their completed report and findings. One of the most significant findings was that “It was fewer than four minutes from the time the first 911 call was received until the first police officer arrived at the school.” During this time, the shooter was able to “shoot” his way into the school and shoot and kill both the principal and school psychologist. He then entered two different classrooms and shot and killed (4) other adults and (20) first grade students.
Within one minute of the police arriving at the scene, the shooter took his own life. Once the threat of being caught or stopped, the shooter took his life. So what could have prevented this tragedy or at the very least minimized the horrific magnitude of the event? An armed officer on the scene, prior to the shooter arriving, may have been able to prevent, or at least, minimized this tragedy. Having an armed officer on the scene would have allowed for an immediate reaction to the armed assailant. The most appropriate reaction and defense to an armed assailant is an armed and highly qualified individual to eliminate that armed assailant.
At LawDog Security & Investigations Inc., we specialize in providing your school with highly trained and qualified armed officers as well as off duty police officers to deter armed assailants from coming to the school and neutralizing any threat that may arise at your school. Our officers have specialized training in active shooters and school violence incidents. Having an armed officer on scene allows immediate reaction to any individual entering the premises with the intent to do harm to your students or faculty. It gives the opportunity to stop the tragedy before it happens.
This information was developed from the Report of the State’s Attorney for the Judicial District of Danbury on the Shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School and 36 Yogananda Street, Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012.

LawDog Security & Investigations Inc.
3055 W. 111th St., Suite 4N
Chicago, IL 60655
January 10, 2013
To Whom It May Concern:
One of our greatest Presidents, Herbert Hoover, once said “Children are our most valuable resource.” That statement is as true then as it is today. However, today our most valuable resources are being stolen from us at an alarming rate. Shootings in schools are taking place at an unthinkable margin. As I am typing this letter, I am reading of another tragedy in a high school in California where two children were injured. We must protect our children in whatever manner that we have available. Unfortunately, most of our schools are not doing this.
Here at LawDog Security and Investigations Inc., we place the safety of our children above all else. We would like to help you and your school in this manner. You may not know the name Carolyn Gudger, but you should because she is a hero. A few years ago, she shot and killed an armed assailant that made his way into a high school in Tennessee with two fully loaded handguns and pointed them at several individuals. Sheriff Gudger reacted and did what she had been trained to do, protect the children. Not a single child was injured in this incident, and their parents have her to thank. Because no child was harmed, most of us have never heard this story, and that is the reason that I am writing this letter today.
Many private schools do not have the luxury of having their city or township provide them with police or sheriffs to guard their children inside the school. They only offer responses to situations. Well, as it has been shown too many times before, a response is often times too late. LawDog Security and Investigations Inc. offers Off-Duty Police Officers as well as licensed and trained Armed Guards to be a presence in your school and a deterrent to these tragic events. Without the presence of a weapon in the hands of a highly trained and capable individual within your school, there is nothing to stop an armed assailant from entering your school and doing harm to the staff and children.
LawDog Security and Investigations, Inc. is fully licensed and insured in the State of Illinois and currently holds a $5 million liability policy. We have a combined total of over 125 years of police experience on our management staff and years of qualifying experience in tactics and training.
Please, help us help you protect our most valuable resource. Call LawDog Security and Investigations Inc. today for your free initial consultation or set up an appointment for a member of our management team to come to your school and conduct a security audit at 866-LAW-DOGS.
Russ Willingham, President
LawDog Security and Investigations Inc.