On any given day, one of your employees could be injured on the job leading to a workers compensation claim as a result. Many employees don’t enjoy doing this and actually want to stay at work and feel the fulfillment that comes along with working every day. However, there are also those employees who will do just about anything to get out of work – sometimes even including committing workers comp fraud. These individuals will lie about or exaggerate injuries to collect workers comp, and it could end up costing you a lot of money in the process.
There are some stats surrounding workers comp that are staggering, especially if you own a business. The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud notes that about 10 percent of all small business owners are worried that at least one of their employees will fake injury or illness to collect workers comp benefits. Additionally, about 20 percent of small business owners aren’t sure how to spot scams tied to workers comp fraud. Some fraud flags include employees filing multiple injury claims within a short amount of time or individuals who suffer an injury without any witnesses nearby.
If you don’t know how to spot these flags, there’s a good chance you will believe the fraudster’s story, allowing them to collect on a false claim and leaving you and your business paying for it. Workers compensation fraud costs small businesses millions upon millions of dollars every year, but you don’t have to fall victim to workers comp fraud.
If you ever suspect that one of your employees might be faking an injury or an illness to collect workers comp, LawDog Security & Investigations can launch an investigation into that employee and tell you what we turn up. We specialize in uncovering the truth and exposing individuals who are gaming the system. We can find out whether or not they are actually too injured or sick to work and bring you the evidence so that you can pursue further legal action or termination. We will conclude our investigation by providing you with comprehensive report that details what we have found and provides video and photographic evidence whenever possible. Learn more about our insurance fraud investigation services by calling us today at 773-233-5742 and let us help you and your business avoid becoming a victim of workers comp fraud.
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