Our Locate and Skip Trace services are normally used to find individuals for law firms, insurance companies, or individuals just trying to find lost loved ones. However, they can also be used to locate individuals that have skipped out on bond or for any other legal and legitimate reason.
LawDog Security and Investigations Inc. uses the most up-to-date and comprehensive data sources to locate individuals. Don’t be fooled by the gimmicks on the internet to “locate anyone for just $19.95.” Our databases can only be used by police agencies or licensed private investigators. If we cannot find them through our databases, then we can utilize surveillance of previous and/or current friends and family or addresses to locate the individual.
We have access to means in order to locate individuals throughout the United States as well as the world through our many different sources and databases. We will not stop looking until we have exhausted each and every mean possible.
Call LawDog Today For A No-Cost Initial Consultation
Toll Free: 1-866-LAWDOGS (1-866-529-3647)
Local: 1-773-233-5742