Attorneys build their case around critical evidence, witness testimony and errors made on the behalf of the other party. Locating witnesses can be very difficult to obtain. Many times, attorneys and their associates have to do a lot of questioning and hire help. The extra work to have credible witnesses is worth the time and effort to get justice for their clients.
When outside professional help is acquired, legal papers can be served in a timely manner in order to have them testify and a professional investigations group can be commonly referred to when needing help with a case.
Some of what you can expect an investigator to do for your case include:
- Locate witnesses using latest technology for determining whereabouts
- Serve legal papers upon witnesses
- Interview witnesses
Using an outside source for finding witnesses saves an attorney an extreme amount of time that can be dedicated to other parts of the case. Investigators and firms that provide legal support to attorneys have extensive experience and knowledge of handling very confidential information.
While hiring investigators to locate witnesses and offer other services, the fee required is minimal compared to the help an attorney will get.
LawDog Security & Investigations has the resources and experience to offer law firms assistance with locating, serving and interviewing witnesses. All of our Investigators are either active or retired Police Officers who are specially trained in conducting both criminal and civil investigations.
With a variety of other legal services available, we have the ability to build you a very strong case. Please feel free to contact us about the professional services that we offer law firms, as well as others, today!
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